Natural Allergy Relief
Are you suffering from allergies, asthma & sinus problems? I know more than a few people who are, myself included. According to allergy experts, with record pollen counts this fall has been one of the worst, and longest, allergy seasons yet. Due to a particularly wet summer, ragweed pollen levels have surged and standing water left over from summer flooding and Hurricane Irene has increased the amount of mold, a common year-round allergen, in the air. What’s more, the allergy season is expected to last a few weeks longer than usual this year, according to research published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
For natural relief, try this reflexology tip: Hold a hard ball, ideally a golf ball or if you’re lucky enough to have a massage ball, in your hand. Clasp your two hands together, interlinking fingers. Roll the golf ball over your palms for 30 secs. Target the area below your thumbs-the adrenal reflex area. Focus pressure on areas where it is most sensitive.
On the hand, this “allergy relief” area is found on the palms of both hands, halfway down the long first metacarpal bone of the hand below the thumb. To find the area (first on your left hand), rest your right thumb on top of your left thumb. Slide the right hand down toward the wrist, so that your thumb presses in the fleshy area bewteen the base of your thumb and your wrist. Your hand is now positioned so that your right index finger can curl around the hand and you can use your right thumb to exert pressure at the midpoint between wrist and the base of the thumb. Press here with your thumb and make small circles for about 15-20 seconds.
Does the area feel normal or tender and sensitive? If it’s sensitive, you’re right on target to the reflex area to the adrenals. If not, reposition your thumb slightly to press and test another area.
Another reflex area to stimulate is the tip of each finger, which is the reflex area to the sinuses. Pinch each fingertip with your other hand for about 10 seconds each.
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