Aromatherapy for Lovers - Basic Knead by Michelle Ebbin
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Aromatherapy for Lovers

If you’re thinking about giving your partner a massage (even a 5-minute quickie) for Valentine’s Day this year, think about adding some extra intrigue to your rub with aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the art of using pure essential oils derived from nature to enhance overall well-being. It’s been used for centuries to relax, soothe, stimulate, and arouse the mind and body.

Just a few drops of an essential oil added to lotion or good quality natural oil (such as almond or sesame oil) can nourish the skin, enrich the senses, and soothe the soul. Different oils evoke different feelings and moods, and can create a certain “vibe” for your treatment.

Normally, I like to use the more stimulating oils, such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and juniper, to really “wake up” the feet as well as the mind. I also like to add a few drops of tea tree oil, which has a natural anti-viral agent, and lavender, which has natural antibacterial properties.  Considering it’s Valentine’s Day, I suggest using one of the essential oils that have been proven to cause sexual arousal in both men and women.

What are they?  And how were they figured out?

Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, MD, a neurologist, psychiatrist, and neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago and the author of the book “Scentsational Sex,” conducted studies on both men and women to find out what specific scents caused sexual arousal. He became interested in the connection between odors and sex when he observed that about 18 percent of patients who lose their sense of smell develop sexual dysfunction.

Dr. Hirsch questioned whether the inability to detect odors might have some direct connection with sexual response. To find out, he recruited 25 male medical student volunteers and tested them with different aromas, including perfumes, floral and food odors. Hirsch was astounded by his finding: “Much to our surprise,” he wrote, “…cinnamon buns caused greater changes in penile blood flow than any other odor.” Recognizing the results might only indicate that medical students are hungry, Hirsch conducted another study, this time with 31 men between the ages of 18 and 64, using 30 scents and 46 test odors. He also studied the sexual arousal of 30 women between 18 and 40 in response to a variety of odors. The results were as follows:

Top Scents for Men:

1. A combination of lavender and pumpkin pie showed the greatest measurable arousal, increasing penile blood flow by an average of 40 percent.

2. Cinnamon buns were still popular, but not as much so. In combination with licorice and doughnuts, they finished second by increasing penile blood flow by 31.5 percent.

3. A combination of pumpkin pie and doughnuts came in third, with a 20 percent increase in penile blood flow.

4. Negatives: Among the least favored odors were cranberry and chocolate.

5. Hirsch also found differences dependent on men’s ages and characteristics. Older men liked vanilla better than younger men. Men who said they have the best sex lives preferred strawberry, and men who said they have intercourse most frequently liked lavender, Oriental spice and cola. In fact, penile blood flow increased in response to every odor that was tested.

Top Scents for Women:

1. The preferred odor for women was Good & Plenty, a licorice candy, or a combination of Licorice and cucumber, which caused a 13 percent increase in vaginal blood flow.

2. A combination of lavender and pumpkin pie increased vaginal blood flow by 11 percent.

3. Negatives: Women had negative responses to several odors, including cherry, which caused an 18 percent reduction, and charcoal barbecue smoke, which caused a 14 percent reduction. Interestingly, the study found that women are not turned on by male colognes. They caused a 1 percent reduction in vaginal blood flow.

4. Studies show that both sexes dislike strong odors.

I say go for what makes you the least hungry.  This way, your mind will stay on your partner and not on finding the closest Cinnabon!

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