How Music Relieves Pain - Basic Knead by Michelle Ebbin
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How Music Relieves Pain

UntitledMy husband is a record producer, so music is a big part of our lives.  Oftentimes, silence is a big part of our lives, too, because when he comes home from a long day at the studio, the last he wants is to hear is any kind of music blaring at him.  My son has inherited my husband’s “sensitive ears” and from an early age, I’ve witnessed how different types of music affect him.  While he can listen to loud rock, certain other types of music (such as smooth jazz) freak him out.

Most people have certain genres of music that move them in a certain way, whether it’s classical to relax or hip hop for a work out.  Now, research proves that music can do much more, including controlling and relieving pain.  Read on…

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