City of Hope Hands and Feet Massage Workshop
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City of Hope Success – Witnessing the Miracle of Massage

Yesterday, March 8th, is a day I will never forget since, next to the birth of my three children, it was one of the most moving and fulfilling days of my life.  After many months of planning and administrative formalities, my touch therapy program at City of Hope Cancer Center began with participants that included patients, caregivers, parents, husbands and wives, nurses and three wonderfully charming Carmelite nuns who arrived in full habit.  I can honestly say that what I witnessed in that room and the transformation that I saw take place was nothing short of miraculous.

12:55 p.m.  –  As the participants slowly trickled into the Sheri & Les Biller Patient and Family Resource Center activity room, I felt the mood in the the room to be a little apprehensive.  Although I had tried to create a soothing atmosphere with dim lighting, soothing music, and a wall-sized peaceful oceanscape projected on a screen, I could tell that people were nervous.  Almost everyone who showed up had no hands-on experience with massage and, therefore, no idea what to expect.  They just wanted to learn a new way to nurture someone in their life who is sick and in need of touch.

After my quick welcome (we only had an hour) and introduction to the workshop “How to Nurture your Mind, Body, and Soul with the Healing Power of Touch – A Hand & Foot Massage Workshop for Patients and Cargivers,” I explained why and how massaging the hands and feet can actually soothe the entire body.  However, rather than launching into my intended, practical and methodical teaching approach, I decided on-the-spot to make the entire workshop hands-on and I asked “does anyone want to be my guinea pig?”  A few hands shot up.

One by one, participants came to front of the room and I proceeded to teach the hand and foot massage techniques by demonstrating on one person’s left hand, another’s right hand, the next person’s left foot, and the next person’s right foot, all the while explaining different ways to soothe someone while they are going through treatment or recovery.  I tried to show as many positions as possible from which to massage so that they could be comfortable anywhere; bedside in the hospital, in a chair, on the floor, during treatment, anywhere.

1:30 p.m. – As people moved closer in to see my hands in motion I could literally see the tension dissipate as their shoulders dropped, their faces relaxed, and they started talking to each other!  Halfway through the workshop I looked around the room and my heart melted when I saw several people massaging their own feet, a few people massaging the partners they came with, and several others massaging the hands of the person next to them.  People who had never met before were smiling, laughing, telling stories, and touching each other — communicating and connecting on such an intimate level that it truly surprised me.

By the end of the hour, everyone had been touched, physically and emotionally, either by giving a massage or getting one.  There was one man in particular whom I had noticed at the very beginning sitting off by himself, with his arms crossed, and a blank look on his face. At the end of the workshop, he came up to me with a big smile and said, “Thank you.  My wife is upstairs getting treatment right now and I can’t wait to get up there and try out these massage techniques on her.”  Just that alone made me so happy and grateful to be able to share what I know about the healing power of touch.  What I know for sure is that in the process of learning how to heal someone else, everyone in that room yesterday at City of Hope healed a little part of themselves too.

 The Fountain at City of Hope

  • Helen and Richard Kluck

    March 10, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    Hi Mich,
    Reading your article, put a tear in our eyes. Very touching!!! We are very proud of you for doing this!!!
    mom and dad

  • steve "Jampa" ebbin

    March 10, 2012 at 8:01 pm

    Hard to type with tears flooding my eyes. We are so very proud of you to begin with, this only enhances our love for you. What a wonderful contribution to people who need surcease from what has to be the most frightening phases of their lives.
    Moreover, it would be hard to be morose in the presence of your
    uplifting and dynamic personality. That alone has a healing power.

  • Carol

    April 1, 2012 at 2:33 am

    We never know when an angel is in our midst. Keep up the wonderful work!