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#1 Best All-Natural Painkiller: MEDITATING!

While massage can be an effective way to ease your aches and pain, there’s new evidence that meditating (yes, meditating!) is the single best all-natural painkiller. In a recent study, people who had a pain-inducing heating device placed on their legs were able to reduce the pain by 40 percent, simply by meditating. “In comparison, morphine only decreases pain by about 25 percent,” says Robert Coghill, PhD, the study’s senior researcher and associate professor of neurobiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

Subjects used the “focused attention” technique: Close your eyes, breathe through your nose, and concentrate on the air coming in and going out. According to Coghill, “the more you practice, the better it works.”
There are even more benefits to meditating:

Better Focus: People trained to meditate are better able to sustain their attention that those who aren’t, according to a study in Psychology Science,

Lowers Blood Pressure: People with hypertension who meditated reduced their blood pressure. In fact, “it was as effective as adding a second blood pressure medication,” says lead author James W. Anderson, MD, from a University of Kentucky study,

Relieves Stress: Practicing meditation for eight weeks not only relieved feelings of stress but actually caused physical changes in the amygdala, the area of the brain that controls those feelings, according to a study published in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.

Valentine’s Day Lesson: How to Give Good Foot

For Valentine’s Day, why not give your partner the gift of a soothing, sensual, foot massage. Using the Sexy Love Sox as your guide, you can stimulate the entire foot, and in doing so, the entire body. The following routine will guide you step-by-step through a complete reflexology treatment. I recommend doing this routine to start, and then later you can focus on specific areas of your feet that need particular attention. If you want to experiment and play around with your own routine, just remember that it works best to build anticipation by progressing to the areas of the sexual organs, rather than just starting there. Think of foreplay…
Working the entire foot has its advantages. A benefit of this approach is that you don’t need to develop a vast knowledge of human anatomy and physiology in order to be effective. Since the systems, glands, organs, and parts of the body are all so intricately intertwined in their functioning, thorough stimulation of all of the reflex areas in your feet can effectively reduce stress and tension, creating a space for healing and rejuvenation to occur.
This full-foot routine includes many reflexology techniques, but not all of them. It’s up to you to pick and choose the techniques that will work for you and your partner. Later on, as you learn to locate specific reflex areas to the erogenous zones and tap into your partner’s energy, you’ll be able to tailor your technique, and give the most effective, relaxing yet sexually arousing reflexology session possible.

10-Step Full Body/Full Foot Reflexology Technique

Step 1: Relax. I always begin a reflexology treatment by first washing my hands so that they are clean and clear of any negative energy. Next, relax both yourself and the feet by taking both feet in my hands and just holding them for ten seconds. This helps me direct my focus to the feet and allows my partner to get used to the feeling of my touch. Take a deep breath, count to three, and exhale. If you have the Sexy Love Sox™, then no lotion or oil is necessary. If you want to work directly on the feet, take some lotion or oil and warm it in your hands. Gently spread the lotion or oil over the top of the foot and the sole. Concentrate on the sole and work the lotion in so that there’s only a light layer remaining. This lets your fingers slide with control.

Step 2: Stretch. Bring both hands under the heels and pull back, giving a slight stretch to the lower back.

Step 3: Side to side ankle loosening. Move your hands to one foot and place the outer edges of your hands at the heels. Move your hands from side to side to loosen the entire foot.

Step 4: Ankle Rotations. Bring one hand underneath to support the heel, and rotate the ankle in one direction a couple of times, and then the other.

Step 5: Achilles Tendon Stretch. Gently stretch the toes back to release the arch of the foot, and then bring the toes forward, stretching the top of the foot. Next, flex the foot backward and then pull the toes toward you. Repeat this stretch.

Step 6: Solar Plexus Relaxer. Hold both of your thumbs at the solar plexus point, which is in the middle of the foot. This reflex point can relax and calm the entire body. Press here for 10 seconds, release and repeat.

Step 7: Finger-Walk: neck/shoulder line and up. Beginning at the inner edge of the foot, finger-walk up from the heel to the top of the toes. Bring your thumb back to the heel, move over about 1/4 inch, and again finger-walk up to the top of the toes. Repeat this until you reach the outer edge of the foot. Finger-walking the entire foot will allow you to touch all of the erogenous zones so nothing gets left out. Later, you can go back and focus on specific reflex areas that correspond to the exact erogenous zones you want to target.

Stimulating all the reflex points on both feet can encourage the entire body to come back into balance. Work both feet to treat the entire body. Try to cover every inch of each foot, including the ankle, with this finger-walking technique.

Step 8: Don’t Forget the Toes. Many people find the toes very sensitive. Take each toe, one at a time, between your thumb and index finger, and slowly roll them back and forth. Try to move your fingers around the entire toe so that you stimulate the whole toe. The area between the toes, close to the crease is very sensitive in a lot of people. If your partner enjoys this, spend extra time applying light pressure here.

Step 9: Stimulate Specific Sexy Areas. This is the best part. (Or at least I think so!) Using the Sexy Love Sox as your map, choose the areas that you or your partner think need the most attention and use the “Finger-Pressure” technique to bring awareness and energy to that area. If your partner responds, then change up the technique to include the “V” slide or make small circles with your thumb, staying in this area to promote maximum circulation to this particular erogenous zone.

Play around with each of the erogenous zones to get to know what, how and where your partner likes to be stimulated. After a bit of fun practice and good communication, you’ll be able to really tune in to your partners hidden passions and desires.

**As you work on each area, feel for “grainy” areas or places where the feet are tender. By discovering grainy or tender areas, you are clued in to energy blockages and potential “problem areas.” This allows you to focus on areas of the body that may need the most help.

Step 10: Happy Ending: Feathering. Finish by lightly brushing your fingertips from the top of the toes to the feel, several times, on both feet. At this point, you can even remove the Sexy Love Sox and do this with bare feet so that you have real skin-to-skin contact. Or, leave the Sexy Love Sox on if you choose.

New Year’s Hangover Help

It’s New Year’s Eve! In preparation of a BIG night ahead, read on for a few quick, easy reflexology techniques for hangover help.

Rather than just lying in bed waiting for the alcohol to seep out of your body so you can feel better, be proactive and take control of your hangover. Try reflexology on the reflex areas of the body that need the most help, namely the liver, kidneys, stomach, brain and solar plexus.

Start with your liver point in order to help push out the remaining alcohol in your body. This is located on the outer edge of the right foot, starting from about the middle of the foot. This area is approximated the size of a quarter. Press here for 10 seconds, release and repeat again.
Next, move to the kidneys, which coordinate with the liver in the elimination process, and drink lots of water! This reflex area is located on both feet, in the middle of the foot moving towards the heel. Press for 10 seconds, release & repeat.

To get rid of a headache, press the fleshy part of both big toes, just behind the nail. You can apply firm pressure here. Some people even use clothespins on their big toes to prevent and relieve headaches.
If you’re experiencing nausea, stimulate the stomach point, located on the inner edge of both feet about midway between the heel and toes. Finally, stimulate the solar plexus region, located in the middle of both feet, if you find your entire sense of center has been disrupted by the hangover.

**In addition to these techniques for hangover help, I personally recommend an icy Coke and a large order of McDonald’s fries. Good luck! And pass this on to friends in need…

Technique to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

Stop the weight gain now! It’s easy to overindulge during the holidays. Reflexology can help prevent weight gain by regulating your metabolism and controlling your appetite. Here’s a quick and easy reflexology technique to help avoid those few unwanted pound:
#1. Stimulate the thyroid area to boost your metabolism. This area is located on the soles of both feet about 1 inch from the inside of the inner edge of the foot, and about 1 inch below the crease between your big toe and second toe. Press here and make small circles for 15 seconds.

#2. Next, stimulate the pineal gland to suppress an overactive appetite. This reflex area is located at the base of the big toe on both feet, towards the inner edge. Make small circles here for 15 seconds, release and repeat.

#3. Finally, stimulate the kidneys for proper elimination, as well as the liver, the colon, and the small intestine for detoxifying. These reflex areas are located on the soles of both feet, in the middle of the foot. The best way to reach all of these areas is to roll your feet over a tennis ball several times. It’s best to do this barefoot, so there is some traction. Stand up so that you can apply pressure as you roll the ball.

FYI, all of these reflex areas are involved in your body’s metabolism. Metabolism is essentially the speed at which your body’s motor is running. It’s the body’s process of converting food into energy (movement and heat). It takes place in your muscles and organs, as the result of what we commonly refer to as “burning calories”. To lose weight, you must try to increase your metabolism through exercise and diet, or even the use of a keto diet pill amazon which could be really useful to maintain a good weight once you get there… Or, just skip that second piece of pie or that third martini!

Holiday Headache Cure

There are so many reasons why you might get a headache this holiday season. Here’s a fast, easy reflexology technique to help you get rid of a headache and prevent them in the future.

With your index finger, press the reflex area to the pituitary gland, which is located on both feet, at the base of the inner edge of the big toe, in the crease between the big toe and the second toe. You can also make tiny circles on this area for 15-20 seconds. Stimulate this area on both feet.

What is it?

The pituitary gland, which is located in the center of the skull and just behind the bridge of the nose, is one of the most important glands of the body. About the size of a pea, the pituitary gland is an important link between the nervous system and the endocrine system. It controls the functions of all the endocrine glands and releases many hormones that affect growth, sexual development, metabolism, the reproductive system, the mineral and sugar content of the blood, fluid retention, and can also affect the body’s energy levels. The pituitary gland helps to keep the body in harmony.

How can reflexology help?

Stimulating the reflex to the pituitary gland can help you maintain healthy metabolism, boost your energy, and get rid of headaches. If you’re trying to lose weight, paying extra attention to this reflex area can help your body shed those unwanted pounds. Since this gland is responsible for proper growth of the body’s organs and glands, it can be beneficial in stabilizing the growth rate in children, who may be growing too fast or too slowly. Stimulating this reflex area can also balance your 6th chakra, which can help strengthen your intuition, perception, and psychic abilities.

How to Relieve Holiday Stress

It’s the holidays and almost everyone I know is stressed. Unfortunately, this stress is very damaging to our entire system. Most doctors agree that over seventy-five percent of our health problems today can be linked to stress and tension. When we fail to manage stress, our body’s defense mechanism begins to break down, making us more susceptible to illness and disease. Physicians often point to anxiety and stress as the main source of many sexual problems, as well a whole slew of associated discomforts (like headaches, high blood pressure, depression, and ulcers).

In addition to deep breathing and turning to meditation as a way of relieving anxiety, reflexology is extremely effective for calming and balancing the nervous system. It can help you let go of tension and soothe your mind. Reflexology is a drug-free coping mechanism for stress and a way to get in touch with what’s happening on the inside. For a quick route to stress relief, stimulate the reflex area to the SOLAR PLEXUS, which is considered the “nerve switchboard of the body.”

The reflex area to the solar plexus is located on both feet, in the center of the foot just beneath the diaphragm line. This is a great starting point to relax yourself or your partner. Press the solar plexus point for twenty to thirty seconds to balance your nervous system and begin the process of reestablishing inner calm. Repeat this several times on each foot.

What is it?

The SOLAR PLEXUS is a network of nerves, located behind the stomach and in front of the diaphragm, which sends energy impulses to the upper middle part of the abdomen. Its purpose is to help balance the sympathetic nervous system, regulate the functions of the organs, and restore calm. The solar plexus has been called the abdominal brain because it influences the nerves in the abdomen. It’s often affected by stress, anger, and depression.

How can reflexology help?

Stimulating the reflex to the solar plexus can relax the entire body and bring overall stress relief. It also promotes better, deeper breathing, and relieves the discomfort of allergies, asthma, and even acne.

The reflex area to the solar plexus is located in the center of the foot, on both feet, about half-way between the toes and the heel. Press here for 20 seconds, release and repeat several times.

The solar plexus reflex point is also the center of the third chakra, the Solar Plexus chakra, which relates to your personal power. This chakra is where the personality is formed. Stimulate this area to better express your individuality and strength.